Windmeul Kelder is renowned for creating wines of distinction from the Paarl region that can be sampled in the relaxed and informal atmosphere of our convivial tasting room. Our approach is based on a combination of cutting-edge wine making techniques and age-old wisdom that is applied side by side in our state-of-the-art facilities. In this way our passionate cellar team is able to coax award-winning wines from the grapes that have been entrusted to us by the hardworking farmers who so lovingly tend their vines.
OUR history
Located on the verdant Northern slopes of Paarl Mountain in the heart of the Paarl Winelands, Windmeul Kelder was first established in 1944. Originally the brainchild of a group of export grape farmers who sought to vinify a portion of their crop that was not suitable for table use, the co-operative cellar was a joint venture between these growers and several wine farmers from the Paarl region. While the cellar initially mainly produced distilling and rebate wines, the impeccable quality of the regional terroir lead to experimentation with vineyard practices and cultivars. Today the cellar draws from a host of well-tended vineyards, enabling the winemaking team to produce a range of exceptional wines that are enjoyed both locally and abroad.
WHY A windmill?
The windmill to which the cellar owes its name formed the hub of economic activity in this region during the 1800s and was according to popular lore arguably the finest mill in the entire country. Not much remains of the remarkable mill today, but we continue to be inspired by the honest toil and diligent industry that lies at the heart of the miller’s trade and seek to imbue our craft with the same sense of virtue and authenticity.